The Mysterious Lives of Plants
Scientists are discovering amazing facts about plants- their ability to feel and sense what humans are doing around them. These…
A Woman is a Hanukkiah of Light that Adds More Light Each Day
If you’re radiant the whole house lights up, but if you’re feeling low you lower the house with you
Watch: Yonatan Razel Performes by “Shir Lama’alot”
Your browser doesn’t support video. Please download the file: video/mp4 Ce logo est en cours de création par la Commission…
Jewish Prayer Times Today
What's today's Jewish prayer times? Sunrise, Shema, Morning Prayer, Midday, Mincha, Sunset, Nightfall, Midnight and more
Halachot de Shabat
Uma casa, ou qualquer lugar, no qual está instalada uma câmera de circuito fechado, será que é permitido entrara neste…
Watch – Baby Chimpanzee Taking a Bath
Your browser doesn’t support video. Please download the file: video/mp4 Si votre organisme échoue et votre érection ne se produit…
Drinking Water: What are the Benefits?
Besides not dehydrating there are many other benefits too
“Shabbat HaGadol” is Like Yom Kippur
This Shabbat two great miracles occurred, the souls of Israel are purified from all faults and sins and it helps…
There’s No Place Like Israel
13 quotes from our sages about Israel’s attributes, uniqueness and holiness
Every bit as evil
A researcher uncovers the shocking extent to which german women played a role in the holocaust and how they got…