Marc Zuckerberg Shares his Yom Kippur Introspection

    Maybe we too should question our past deeds and fix what we can

    Why Lychee Can be Fatal for Children

    It can cause profound hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) leading to convulsions and death

    Watch: Melody of Reb Michoel Zlotchover

    Enjoy a legendary niggun

    Watch: The Moment a Butterfly Comes to Life

    Magical Moment: Although the documentation is very short, it's still fascinating – Gone Viral

    Do Not Look At The Spider – Look What It Can Do

    Spiders: Why are we so afraid of them, and why should we not be afraid? Amazing reasons that will help…

    Hidabroot for The Children of Israel: Support Cancer Patients and Their Families

    Hidabroot is Committed to Helping Israeli Children and Families of Children with Cancer! Hidabroot provides financial and emotional support, weekend retreats,…

    The Soul of the Inanimate

    If the constant energy that comes from the Creator were to stop driving the electrons round in their orbits, the…

    Watch: The Life and Times of Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef OBM

    This movie describes in detail the extraordinary accomplishments of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the foremost Sephardic Rabbi of his time. Rabbi…

    The Hedge of Roses

    Marriage requires periods of separation in order to give vitality and renewal to the marital bond
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