Is the World Round or Flat? Depends Who You Ask

    While the rest of the world firmly believed that the world is flat, the Sages of the Torah had the…

    An Unexpected Visit from the Police

    If I was so afraid of the police, how will I feel before G-d?

    High Paying Dangerous Jobs – Watch

    What are the most dangerous jobs on the planet? Here's a collection of extremely dangerous jobs that hopefully pay well.…

    Jared Kushner’s Dream Comes True – Prayers at a Holy Grave in Casablanca

    “For many years I held this dream in my heart, today I actualized it”. The exciting visit of Jared Kushner…

    Watch: Incredible Discovery about Drops of Water

    A fascinating study conducted in Stuttgart Germany, reveals that every drop of water has its own unique 'face'. This study…

    The Yeshiva Boys Choir – “Daddy Come Home”

    "Daddy come home, Stay with me, Let me hold your hand, Let me sit upon your knee". Emotional

    More Halachic Questions in Wake of Israeli Fires

    Can a couple without a ketuba stay together?

    Watch Rare Footage from NASA: Snowy Deserts

    Snow in the desert? That's right. It's rare, though not impossible. Watch a fascinating documentation from NASA, showing different deserts…

    Speaking Gossip to Close Relatives

    Is it permissible to speak negatively about others to one's spouse, in order to get the issue off one's chest?

    Successful Relationships

    Make your marriage succeed beyond your wildest dreams
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