Rabbi Yigal Cohen – Love Your Wife
Rabbi Yigal Cohen explains what it means to truly love your spouse. Love that keeps a couple together for a…
Rabbi Goldstein, Founder of the World Shabbat Project: “Shabbat Belongs to Every Member of the Jewish Nation.”
What began as a local initiative in the South African Jewish community that turned into a dizzying success, has now…
Drugs and Other Quick Fixes
Drugs can provide instant pleasure. And drugs will dissolve your sense of self until you have no personality left. The…
Speak to G-d, He is Listening!
Not only does G-d love you he wants to hear from you!
Menahem Begin pour la sainteté du Chabbat : regardez un discours émouvant extrait des archive
Menahem Begin dans un discours brûlant pour la sainteté du Chabbat
The Weight of Air – in the Talmud
The weight of the air pressing down upon our bodies every second is about 10 tons. Torah Sages living 2,000…
Am I an Illusion? What Makes Me Real?
Understanding our insignificance in the universe leads to humility and accepting that G-d leads our daily lives.
WATCH: ’ON THE TABLE’ with R’ Peretz B. Eichler
A winning combination of good food and important issues put on the table and addressed by experts who can help
Former Miss Israel: “I Wouldn’t Go back Even 100,000 Shekel a Day”
“G-d sends me livelihood without my doing immodest photography shoots”
Watch Hidabroot Live: Inspiring Lectures Streaming 24 Hours a Day
Looking for inspiration? Click on the links below and enjoy uplifting Jewish content in English and French 24 hours a…