Intermarriage and Judaism – Points to Ponder

    Food for thought on Marrying Jewish by Ollie Anisfeld & J-TV

    Purim Klezmer – Yaptzik Klezmer

    Around the year Purim Medley - Enjoy

    Women to know: Dr. Olitsa Roth one of Boro Park’s most well-known pediatricians

    As long as Hashem gives me brains and motion...I will be here

    A Cappella: Shlock Rock & The Maccabeats – Minyan Man

    This will make you think twice the next time you’re asked to be the 10th guy for a minyan. The…

    Past-life Regression – Return to the past by means of hypnosis

    Another scientific research on life after death that proves clearly that the true “I” of every person is a spiritual,…

    How to Choose a Personal Rabbi

    What are the criteria for choosing a suitable Rabbi? How can you determine who is fit to be your personal…

    Stunning Footage of Earth at Night – Must See

    This view of Earth at night was captured by the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Satellite. Wonders of Creation

    Avichay Shanti: “I Want to Raise My Children as Jews”

    In a open-hearted confession on his Facebook page, Avichay Shanti — an Arab in the process of conversion — expresses…

    Avraham Fried, Yonatan Razel, Ishay Ribo & Ariel Zilber Rehearse for Concert

    Four musical giants rehearsing for an upcoming concert. Magical

    The Student Appeared To His Rabbi In a Dream

    Rav Nissim Yagen O.B.M. told an amazing story about a student who appeared to his Rabbi in a dream after…
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