Watch: Rare Footage of the Great Sage Rabbi Elyashiv Learning Torah

    Get a glimpse of greatness. The Holy Sage Rabbi Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Zt”l was the leading Torah authority of the…

    Lot – Contradictions in Serving Hashem

    What happens when a person faces this dichotomy, knowing he must observe the Torah – because it is true –…

    Parashat Pecudê – Nome limpo na praça

    Depois de descansar da viagem cansativa, o Rebe perguntou a Reb Zalman, onde poderia ficar sozinho para conversar com D'us.…

    Helping Others Overcome Challenges

    You can make a difference in someone else's life when he's faced with a challenge

    Talking Positively about the Land of Israel

    Laws regarding speaking negatively about those who have passed away, about the Land of Israel and other peoples possessions

    Karaites and Samaritans — are Not Part of the Jewish People

    The Karaites and Samaritans have not been part of the Jewish People for generations. Daniel Balas reveals the truth about…

    See Dramatic Rescue – Sri Lankan Navy Saves Elephants Drowning at Sea

    Elephants swept out to sea by strong currents were rescued by the heroic Sri Lankan Navy. Gone Viral

    Keilim Shvurim: New Release by Rabbi Noach Paley

    Composer Rabbi Noah Paley who counsels and guides youth at risk a powerful song for Rosh Hashanah - "Broken Tools"

    Yosef and Deenah – Two Ways of Overcoming Evil

    We learn from Yosef and Deenah that there are two approaches to fighting evil; destroying it and reforming it

    Yitzchak’s Role

    The most striking aspect of Yitzchak’s actions is their similarity to those of his father. From this we derive the…
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