Taking In Shabbat Early

    Why take in Shabbat early?

    Abraham: the Epitome of Reaching Out to One’s Fellow Man

    There are many ways to bring one who is distant back to Judaism. We should look to Abraham, who was…

    Parshat Behar: Shemittah, The Great Equalizer

    Just as everyone can partake of the fruit, everyone can partake of the Torah, we're all equal

    Between Minchah and Maariv

    The insights and perspectives of husband-and-wife team Ruchama and Yisrael Feuerman

    “Always With You” – Official Music Video – Various Artists

    “G-d is Always With You” – You must see this touching song, starring Shmueli Ungar, Eli Marcus, Michoel Pruzansky, Shloime…

    Where is Miriam’s Well Today? Archaeology Discovers the Hebrew Bible

    Rabbinic writings make it clear that Miriam’s Well accompanied the Israelites when they entered their land and was hidden away…

    A Song For Shavuot: Ma Ashiv – The “Thank You!” Song

        Even though these are difficult times, there’s so much to so say “Thank You!” for. This is my…

    A Tainted Donation

    Why did Rabbi Yisrael Yaakov Kanievsky refuse to receive $20,000 to distribute to the poor and then, minutes later, change…

    Spectacular Lightning Storm Lights Up Australian Skies – Watch

    The stormy conditions in Kimberley, Australia were a welcome change from a severe heatwave that has plagued the region. Wonders…

    Would you like to concentrate better? Add cocoa to your coffee.

    An American study found that to get the most out of your coffee without side effects it's worth adding in…
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