What’s the Biggest Threat to Jewish Survival?
What is it and what do we do about it?
Yaakov Shwekey – ALEPH BAIS GIMMEL
Composed By Yitzy Waldner. Concept By Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin
Shidduch Saga: The inadvertent shadchan
“You know me, you can always count on me to make trouble! “Mazal tov!”
A Sign from Heaven? Massive Plague of Locusts Hits Mecca
What caused the severe locust epidemic to spread in Mecca? Is there a connection to the Weekly Torah Portion ‘Bo’?…
Which is Harder to Accept upon Yourself, Keeping Shabbat or Covering your Hair?
You’d think that Shabbat is much harder… or would you?
Wedding Medley – Lipa Schmeltzer & Shira Choir
Performed by A Berko Productions. Guest singer, Beri Weber
The Influence of The Spiritual Force
Positive speech, prayer, words of Torah and blessings have a positive impact on the world. Current research supports this and…
Shwekey & Zemiros: Shivisi – Acapella Style
Listen to Yaakov Shwekey's first official acapella song. Enjoy
Yonatan Razel – No More Raisins, No More Almonds
Yonatan Razel presents a unique song originally sung in Yiddish. Watch
Drones Strike Major Saudi Arabia Oil Fields – Watch
Drone attacks claimed by Yemen’s Houthi rebels struck two key oil installations inside Saudi Arabia on Saturday. Experts say the…