Study: Kids Raised on Skim Milk Not Slimmer than Kids Raised on Regular Milk
They also have lower levels of Vitamin D
Watch: Skydive from Mountaintop into Moving Plane
Jumping from an airplane to the ground is a relatively simple and familiar procedure, thoug how do you jump from…
Just Be Yourself: Avraham Fried & Zemiros Choir – Acapella
The Holy Kotzker Rebbe's tongue twister. “Just Be Yourself”. During the 3 weeks it is more important than ever to…
Pregnant Again, What’s the Next Step?
I was sure I wanted an abortion
Who Am I?
"A name captures the essence of a person and in a sense becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy". Rebbetzin FeigeTwerski
She Found Her Abducted Sister Was Studying in Her School
Zephany Nurse was only three days old when she was abducted from her hospital crib in Cape Town, South Africa.…
How Do We Deal With the Challenges of Our Generation?
The confusion is overwhelming and the trials are so great it seems that everything is coming apart
“How Can I Stop Being So Hard on Myself?”
“I’m only human, so why do I unrealistically expect I will always behave like an angel?”
What’s the Biggest Threat to Jewish Survival?
What is it and what do we do about it?
8 Facts about Cohanim (Priests)
Why did Rav Preida merit longevity? Which families are considered families of Cohanim? What does the word "Cohen" mean in…