Speak to G-d, He is Listening!
Not only does G-d love you he wants to hear from you!
Wedding Medley – Lipa Schmeltzer & Shira Choir
Performed by A Berko Productions. Guest singer, Beri Weber
The Yearning Desire to Connect to Infinity
In order to lead people to the objective goal of their existence, G-d has implanted within the human consciousness a…
Teachings of Rav Meshulem Zissel of Anipoli
Also known as “the Rebbe Reb Zisha,” a disciple of the Mezritcher Maggid and the older brother of Rav Elimelech…
Can Scientists Bring Back the Mammoth From Extinction?
An American scientist thinks so.
Why did G-d Put Me on Earth?
Why do we have to come to this world? Why didn’t G-d give us the ultimate good without us having…
The Joy of Pain
If G-d loves us, why does he inflict suffering upon us? In this short video clip, Rabbi Meyer Yedid discusses…
As I was dancing in a night club, my Tzitzit was peeking through and made me extremely confused !
Haim started getting closer to Judaism. He was confident no one could answer his questions and cause him to become…
Touch – The Superglue of Human Relations
Touch could be called the Superglue of human relations. Take two clean surfaces, and Superglue will immediately stick them together.…
More Than Just Words
Science has discovered that sound waves can affect our physical reality in significant ways, depending upon the types of words…