Meir Kay’s Story: My Journey To Feeling Less Alone

    "You Are Not Alone" - Meir Kay shares his moving life story

    My Daughter is Fine, Society Needs to be Fixed! 

    Abigail’s mom explains that our society hasn’t yet accepted her daughter with Down’s syndrome

    The Mystical Aspect of Colors and the Spheres

    Jewish mysticism teaches that every color in nature represents a different spiritual root—a root from which that color originates and…

    New Labor Head Avi Gabai is Anti-Religious Activist

    His outspoken opinions about religion are very disappointing to the religious establishment

    Power couches

    You can’t always get what you want or can you?

    Beri Weber & The A Team – Collection of Great Jewish Songs

    Enjoy a collection of top Jewish songs with Beri Weber and The A Team

    Is a Cure for Alzheimer’s Here?

    Researchers in Oxford University think so

    Dinosaur Eggs Prove: Dinosaurs Could Not Have Lived Millions of Years Ago

    For the first time, a team of researchers was able to discover the original color of fossilized dinosaur eggs. This…

    Im Eshkachech: Shofar Style – David Chacham Herson

    Enjoy this legendary tune in style you've never heard before. Unique talent

    Alex Clare Sings the Legendary ‘Modzitz Niggun’

    Watch Alex Clare play the Modzitzer Niggun at the Sinai Indaba in South Africa. Music to uplift your soul
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