What is the Talmud? What is the Oral Law?

    Judaism would be completely mysterious if not for the Oral Law which explains the basis and practical laws of keeping…

    Whose Project is it Anyway?

    Hands off, Mom - let the kids do it themselves.

    Life Is Short; You Need to be Happy Every Moment of It

    Chagit Navi Ambar lost her son but now she takes care of G-d’s children, the teens that are struggling

    Listen to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Zt”l Sing in his Youth

    Rare video of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, of blessed memory, singing with his amazing voice

    I’m Good With G-d without His Commandments !

    Speaking to G-d is a wonderful thing but make sure to take out your earplugs so you can hear what…

    Are you a slave?

    The path to freedom starts inside each of us

    The Mystical Aspect of Mirrors

    Mirrors have enabled science to potentially move much closer to the truth of the Torah

    Watch: Who’s in the Egg? You will be Surprised

    See an egg hatching before your eyes

    Scarlet Fever is Making a Comeback

    Why it disappeared is a mystery and why it came back is a bigger mystery

    If I Were a Rich Man

    Can I ever be rich?
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