Dating – The Hand of Hashem

    One should never be demoralized, discouraged or disheartened in the process of seeking a shidduch. The outcome is directed by…

    Miriam’s Slander: Why Publicize the Sin?

    Wouldn’t it be better to keep it hush to respect our leaders?

    Boruch Levine & Simcha Leiner: Ashreinu by Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz

    How should we respond to the recent events in Pittsburgh and attacks in Southern Israel? How should we respond any…

    If a shidduch is bashert

    Rav Yehudah Halevi, the author of the Kuzari, was a very wealthy man. He had only one daughter, who had…

    Woman Posted in Favor of “Mother Rachel” Over Rabin and Was Blocked by Facebook

    I’d rather teach my children about our Mother Rachel’s heritage instead of Rabin’s heritage

    Images that will Make you Appreciate the Splendor of G-d’s Creation

    Take time to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of creation. Must see

    “I Gave Up Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars to Learn Torah”

    What made a successful businessman abandon the race for money and turn into a yeshiva student? Yair Pardun was on…

    Pesach Sheni (2nd Passover) Is Here

    You always have another chance

    An Act of Kindness Worth 75,000 NIS

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky: “Let the family stay, and G-d will send you an abundance as a reward for performing this…

    Don’t Fight Your Addiction All by Yourself

    Join a support group, it'll make all the difference
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