Why do many Jewish Men use the Mikvah before Shabbat?

    Immersion in a mikvah brings about a level of spiritual purity

    The Zoo Rabbi opens first Biblical Museum of Natural History

    Natan Slifkin, a Torah zoologist and Rabbi, teaches about animals in the Bible and Talmud through his interactive museum and…

    Shabbat is Paying Omer Adam Back for Caring About It

    Rabbi Meir Mazuz commented on Omer Adam’s meteoric rise to success this year

    Henry Fuerte, a 9/11 World Trade Center Survivor Tells his Story

    “Why did I survive when 256 co-workers, 70 of them personal friends died?”

    Music Video: We Are A Miracle by Yaakov Shwekey

    The Jewish People continue to be a miracle. Watch Yaakov Shwekey’s emotional music video. What an inspiration

    Why Did the Gentile who Bought Chametz from Rav Elyashiv Convert?

    In honor of the sixth anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Zt "l. A fascinating story and…

    Science Discovers the Truths of the Torah

    How did our Sages know scientific truths long before they were discovered through the use of modern technology?

    When Bill Clinton Wanted to Repent – Rabbi YY Jacobson

    A deep message about the essence of repentance by Rabbi YY Jacobson. Must watch


    Crazy and Interesting Facts about Life
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