The Ancient Bloggers

    Lashon Hara is insidious, avoid it at all costs

    Chilling: Frozen River Approaches Homes in the US

    Residents in the United States were able to record the moments of horror in which a frozen river at the…

    A Thyme, Hyssop (Zaatar) and Oregano Infusion to Boost Your Immune System

    Fight the flu, common cold and their side effects with this natural infusion

    Tehillim – Psalms for Wednesday

    Tehillim (The Book of Psalms) for Wednesday, divided into daily portions. Wednesday Psalms: Chapters 73 – 89

    8 Facts about the 19th of Kislev

    What’s it all about? Find out in this article

    What Prayers Does a Woman Pray in the Morning?

    What does a beginner start to pray?

    Selichot at the Kotel

    Watch and get inspired as thousands recite the Selichot at the Western Wall

    In The Merit of Keeping Shabbat

    At the Clintch of a Big Real Estate sale, a Jewish Buisness Man is Faced with a Dilema; Shabbat or…

    Talking Positively about the Land of Israel

    Laws regarding speaking negatively about those who have passed away, about the Land of Israel and other peoples possessions

    How to Respond to your Wife’s Complaints

    Each spouse should focus on what applies to him/her rather than focus on the responsibilities of the other
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