Careful Criticism in Marriage

    What's the ideal way to express your hurt feelings to your husband?

    Salvation at the Western Wall

    Do you need a salvation? Shidduch? Children? Marital Harmony? Children’s Education? Parenting? Livelihood? Health? Other?

    Light at the End of the Tunnel

    "Above me was the brightest light I've ever seen. Then came this being and wordlessly motioned for me to look…

    Watch – Unbelievable Balancing Skills

    How does he do it? How do we know it's real and not Photoshop? Wait till the end of the…

    Samuel the Prophet

    He came from the tribe of Levi, was a descendant of Korach, and his mother Chana was barren for many…

    Proof of Prophecy: The Second Exile

    In the previous section of "proof of prophecy" we set out the prophecy regarding the First Temple. In this section…

    From the Church to the Synagogue

    The story of Rabbi Yehuda Peretz, who grew up as a Christian and was about to become a priest, until…

    If a shidduch is bashert

    Rav Yehudah Halevi, the author of the Kuzari, was a very wealthy man. He had only one daughter, who had…

    Does the Torah Contradict Science?

    How do we reconcile differences? Do we need to?

    Incredible Gallery: When Real Beauty Surpasses Imagination

    Spectacular photographs from various photo competitions around the globe. Real photos without any Photoshop
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