Have You Ever Seen a Flying Peacock? Watch

    Watch stunning peacock flight in slow motion

    The Author of the “Sulam”, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Ashlag

    What is the real name of the holy Jew who was called Baal HaSulam (the author of the “Sulam”), and…

    Avraham Fried: Abba – Live in Sultan’s Pool 2019

    A perfect song to get you into the spirit, as we prepare to anoint The King of the Universe on…

    Meal Replacements: Do Those Bars and Shakes Really Work?

    When you're looking to lose weight, a grab-and-go French vanilla bottled shake or mint-chocolate chip bar may seem like a…

    Shabat Kodesh – Visitando o “Palácio do Rei”  

    O Shabat é um dia de descanso  fixado pelo Criador, que o santificou de um modo único. 

    The Laws of Family Purity – The Health Benefits

    This teaching illuminates the Laws of Family Purity from a different direction, emphasizing their contribution to the emotional health of…

    Shifra – Yocheved

    According to tradition, Yocheved is buried in the 'Tomb of the Mothers' in Tiberias, along with Zipporah, Moses' wife; Elisheva…

    Kayin and Hevel – Balancing Humility and Confidence

    Striving for acquisitions is positive when directed toward spirituality. Only a person who is motivated to acquire spiritual greatness can…

    A Medallion with a Swastika and a Star of David?

    This strange artifact was sold on public auction this week and history is stranger than fiction

    What is the True Meaning of Modesty? Watch

    What does it mean to be modest according to Judaism? Rabbi Burg elaborates. Brought to you by the Drops of…
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