Respect Your Elders – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Learn about the laws pertaining to the honoring of scholars and the elderly

    The Vilna Gaon: Righteous Sins

    The pupils of the famous Sage 'The Vilna Gaon' experience a miracle at sea

    Judaism and the Pursuit of Happiness – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Aside from happiness being a basic emotional need, it is also one of the most important principles in Judaism with…

    Rudolf Hess’ Grandson: “If I Met my Grandfather Today, I Would Kill Him”

    The young Israelis visiting Auschwitz had a life altering meeting with Reiner Hess, grandson of Auschwitz camp commander Rudolf Hess.

    Parshat Shelach: Seeing the Good

    If you see the good you will speak it too

    Thousands Sing ’Ani Ma’amin’ at the Western Wall as the Fast Ends – Must See

    See thousands of Jews singing in unison at the Western Wall – 'Ani Ma'amin' – 'I believe in the coming…

    10 Foods You Can Eat Freely (Almost)

    They’re all rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and low in calories

    Psychic’s Confession: “People Think I Read Cards, But I Made Up Everything”

    The clients thought they were connecting to a famous medium, but in reality were speaking with a 20-year old girl…

    Avraham – Reacting to Success and Failure

    Avraham reacted to success without letting it affect his humility or hinder his service of HaShem, yet how did Avraham…
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