If You Know This: You Won’t Give Up – Rabbi Gavriel Friedman
Why do we give up so quickly? What is the secret to success? Rabbi Friedman explains in a short 90…
Too beautiful
Every generation has nisyonos on its own level
A Housing Shortage Solution; How About Printing Your Next Home?
American researchers developed a new 3D printing system that can print the basic structure of a building of any type…
A Musician that Invests in Torah Study Can Do Great Things!
Amir Benayon counters the claim that a musician must use all his time for music and not learn Torah.
Teachings of Rav Shmuel Shmelke Horowitz of Nikolsberg
Also known as “the Rebbe Reb Shmelke,” a main disciple of the Mezritcher Maggid and the author of “Divrei Shmuel.”
Could I Get A Lamb That’s Kosher for a Passover Sacrifice?
The "Institute For the laws of Sacrifices" found an interesting way to teach about the Passover sacrifice. May we merit…
Get Enough Sleep! Or Else!
Certain brain cells begin to consume healthy brain cells during sleep deprivation
Too Blessed to Be Stressed
A series of moving and fascinating pictures by a New York artist name Adam J. Kurtz - whom creates something,…
“Mommy Please Tell Me That I’m Good”
“Please don’t tell me that everything I do is wrong!”
Evolution of Jewish Music – Meir Kay & Benny Friedman
A tribute to singers and performers from the 20th century, highlighting well known songs, concerts and music videos. Enjoy a…