‘Lion King’ as you’ve Never Seen Before – Watch

    See glorious footage of a male lion. The Talmud refers to the lion as "the king of the beasts" (Chagigah…

    How to Spiritually Remedy Mental Illness

    Some facts about mental illness and ‘Segulot’, spiritual remedies that can help

    A 1400 Year Old Treasure Was Found Near Highway One

    During the widening of the highway 9 bronze coins in a cloth pouch were found

    You Have a 1 Inch Tumor On Your Bladder

    Ephraim heard the news and was devastated

    Marriage – Made In Heaven

    Within Judaism, marriage is considered the ideal state in which human beings may develop their full potential

    From the Heart of Tehran: Revolutionary Guards Salute Jewish Soldiers at Ceremony

    As tensions grow between Israel and Iran, exceptional documentation from Tehran shows the Revolutionary Guards paying respect to fallen Jewish…

    Os dois níveis da observação do Shabat

    Existem dois aspectos para observar o Shabat - um é abster-se da atividade da vida agitada proibida, e o outro…

    Special Child’s Mom: “G-d Guides Every Step I Take”

    Mushkie Landau, the mother of a special needs child discusses how her faith helps her parenting.

    How does Judaism view Christianity & Islam? Rabbi Akiva Tatz Responds

    Will there be a Messianic redemption according to Judaism, Christianity & Islam? Brought to you by J-Tv

    Vayechi All Wrapped Up: Blessing our Children

    Why bless our children to be like Ephraim and Menashe more than any of the other tribes?
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