Where Will you be When the Messiah Comes?
The Talmud (Gemara) teaches us that 3 things come by surprise - The Mashiach (Messiah), a valuable object that you…
Should I Invest in a 3-D Printer?
You’d be surprised, the answer may be yes!
Pianist Mikhail Pais Plays “Daled Bavos” – Niggun of the Alter Rebbe
Moving piano performance. Enjoy this legendary Chassidic Melody
Interesting and fascinating facts about life
“I Keep Shabbat But I Use My Cell Phone and Computer”
Once, the Jewish world was clearly divided into those who keep Shabbat and those who didn’t. Today, for some reason,…
In Israel, Smoking May Be a Part of the Past
A new law proposal in Israel will try to do this
Beri Weber’s New Release: Gesher Tzar – Music Video
Don’t forget, always remember, this world is like a narrow bridge, over a stormy sea that never ends. The main…
Ya’akov and Esav -Toldot All Rapped Up
What are the differences between Yaakov and Eisav?
The Consequences of Counting the People
The Torah forbids counting people directly and also says that this form of counting could cause a plague. This was…
Thrown Into Jail to Save a Soul
A Hasidic couple thrown into jail inspires warden to convert