Life After Death – Way Beyond Science
The facts discovered by science regarding 'life after death' appear in numerous places throughout the Torah, which offers additional details…
In Honor of His Yohrtzeit: Ten Facts About Rabbi Elimelech of Lyzhensk
Today the 21st of Adar is his Yohrtzeit. What can we learn from Rabbi Elimelech’s ways?
Police Anti-Semitism in Paris France, Shame on Them
Paris Police are ‘on the lookout for Jews who steal chickens before Yom Kippur’
48 Ways to Love and Be Loved
Rabbi Noach Weinberg, the rosh yeshiva of Aish Hatorah, explains the 48 ways to attain wisdom from ancient Jewish sources,…
Watch: Biggest Great White Shark Ever Seen
Most amazing footage caught on camera: Experts believe this is the biggest great white shark ever observed. See more Wonders…
What is Judaism? When did Judaism begin?
What is Judaism? What do Jews believe? When did Judaism begin? Rabbi Berel Wein explains the core beliefs and frameworks…
The Essence of Trust — “Man’s Inner Tranquility”
A Jew should live with calm and tranquility, stemming from his trust that everything that every happens to him is…
Let Me Tell You Something about Chabad
“Charity is something they do daily and they don’t post it on Facebook”
Miracle on the Highway: Car Burns Down While Holy Books Remain Intact
Incredible miracle happened to Nissim Ben Gigi from Petach Tikva . Two Holy Books miraculously remained intact after a fire…
Ivanka at Western Wall
It was deeply meaningful to visit the holiest site of my faith and to leave a note of prayer