Watch: Rivka Malka Tells Her Story

    Watch Rivka Malka tell her fascinating story, how she came closer to Judaism

    Mechutanim Before You

    Representatives of the rich man came to clothe the chasan in beautiful expensive new clothing

    Fast of Gedaliah Times: September 12, 2018 | 3 Tishrei 5779

    Fast of Gedaliah Times for Major Cities Around the World: September 12, 2018 | 3 Tishrei 5779

    Get Unstuck!

    Don’t let life pass by waiting for something to happen, you make it happen

    Why Do Arab Men Like to Marry Jewish Girls?

    Listen to an Arab man answer this troubling question

    Bacteria and Infections 2000 Years Ago; Common Knowledge

    Rabbi Eliezer the Great, who lived some 2,000 years ago, was well aware of the fact that illness can be…

    A Spiritual Remedy Guaranteed to Work on The Fast of Esther

    A Segulah (spiritual remedy) that should be performed at the crack of dawn of the Fast of Esther

    A Blood Pressure Medicine Almost 40 Years Old Prevents Heart Attack Damage

    Madrid researchers pave the way to better cardio-vascular health

    Why Drugs are Such a Massive Problem in our Generation

    Why are drugs and other quick fixes such a massive problem in our generation? Rabbi Akiva Tatz on the causes…

    The Impact of Elul

    How can I make the most of Elul?
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