Sefardi Party – Avi Peretz & The Freilach Band
Feel the Magic as Avi and The Freilach Band perform some of the most popular Israeli and Sefardi songs
The ‘Key’ To Livelihood
This Shabbat there’s a custom to prepare a challah in the form of a key as a Segulah (spiritual remedy)…
Tehillim – Psalms for Friday
Tehillim (The Book of Psalms) for Friday, divided into daily portions. Friday Psalms: Chapters 107 – 119
Watch: Bear Hug
Watch a daring guy receive a real bear hug in the wild
Money Talks – Self-Esteem and Confidence
It is of the essence for parents, teachers, and all adults who interact with young people to be sensitive of…
More Helpful Tips for Married Women – Rabbi Zamir Cohen
Essential advice for maintaining marital harmony from Rabbi Zamir Cohen's latest book on marriage
Abortion is in other words a helpless murder that takes place in the mother’s womb. In order to silence the…
Intuition – How Do You Know?
Intuition, is to be in touch with that true, inner reality of self. That part of us that is closer…
The coin
Disguising himself as a stranger, Eliyahu descended into the world and handed the man a shekel
Character, Fate, and Free Choice – Rabbi Zamir Cohen
Are my fate and personality predetermined in advance, or is my fate in my own hands, my character mine alone…