Does the Torah Contradict Science?

    How do we reconcile differences? Do we need to?

    What is Prayer About – Taking or Giving?

    Some see prayer as a chance to approach God with a long list of requests. Is prayer just a self-centered,…

    5 Parenting Tips on How to Raise Confident Kids

    Give your children the greatest gift by implementing Rivka Malka’s tips on how to raise confident kids. Discover the connection…

    Parshat Shekalim It’s Reasons and Laws

    When do we read Parshat Shekalim? What is the mitzvah of giving a half shekel? What was the purpose of…

    Laws of Shabbat: Grinding – Cutting Food on Shabbat

    How may one cut his fruits and vegetables on Shabbos? Is the cutting of meat, fish and cheese included in…

    Say “Yes” to Shabbat

    Shabbat looks way different from the inside

    Police Anti-Semitism in Paris France, Shame on Them

    Paris Police are ‘on the lookout for Jews who steal chickens before Yom Kippur’

    Probiotics For Depression?

    According to a new Canadian study probiotics used to improve irritable bowel syndrome also improved patients’ depression
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