Watch: Firefighters Training Like you’ve Never Seen Before

    See how the Chinese train their firefighters to be the fast, fit and unified

    Tonight the 19th of Kislev is the Yorhrzeit of the Maggid of Mezritch

    10 facts about this illustrious leader of the Hassidic movement

    Who Says You Can’t Change Other People?

    A person can indirectly influence another person's behavior by improving his own behavior

    Women to know: Sudy Rosengarten – writing was something she couldn’t have escaped if she tried

    Look at what seems ordinary, and realize that there’s more than what meets the eye

    A Day in the Life of a Sea Cucumber

    How a Sea Cucumber catches its food, why it fights with such guts and who has time for a 'fight'…

    See Images from the Pre-Purim Event in New York

    The perfect start to the month of Adar! The participants of the Pre-Purim Event in New York were inspired &…

    Join Hidabroot Live at Rashbi’s Tomb with Leading Mekubalim and Singers

    Get inspired for Rosh Hashana to start the year off right!

    “When They Ask Me in Heaven Why I Didn’t Help, Can I Say I Was Cold?

    A winter storm wouldn’t stop the ageing Chafetz Chaim from helping a neighboring town build a mikvah

    Overcoming Negative Traits – Distance Yourself from Anger

    Where should one begin the task of overcoming negative traits? Rabbi Zamir Cohen explains how to repair our character traits…

    Watch: Unique Fishing Technique

    See this fisherman’s creative method for capturing huge fish. Gone viral
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