Shir Hamaalot by Yeedle – Official Music Video

    Produced by Esther Zicherman, Script written by Yeedle Werdyger. Scenes shot at various locales throughout Israel

    Say “Yes” to Shabbat

    Shabbat looks way different from the inside

    Keeping Healthy – Rule A: Ensuring the Quality of Food

    Good quality food will renew and regenerate a healthy body, whereas, poor quality food will produce an inferior body

    Lot – Contradictions in Serving Hashem

    What happens when a person faces this dichotomy, knowing he must observe the Torah – because it is true –…

    Shlock Rock: Shake Hands with your Uncle Max

    Filmed in Brooklyn, Queens and New Jersey and produced by Ethan Bill, Lenny Solomon introduces or reintroduces you to the…

    The Ohr Hachaim – An Exclusive Pair of Tefillin

    What happened to the tefillin of Rabbi Chaim ibn Attar after he passed away?

    Israeli Singer Aviv Gefen is Searching for G-d

    “Without G-d there is nothing!”

    Gallery: Fascinating Images of Nature in Japan

    A photographer named Kunito Imai presents a unique and mesmerizing gallery of nature in Japan. Wonders of Creation

    Stunning Images of Marine Creatures – Wonders of Creation

    These magnificent pictures of underwater creatures will remind you to appreciate the Wonders of Creation

    More than just the clothes

    The poritz was terribly distressed about his son’s irresponsible behavior
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