The Lightning Rod – Sorry Ben, it’s in the Torah

    Is it true that no one knew about lightning rods until they were discovered some two hundred years ago by…

    Happiness in Your Heart

    How can you truly feel the happiness and joy of others? Being filled with Hashem’s blessings is the best recipe…

    Good News for Pregnant Women — a Breakthrough in the Diagnosis of the Fetal Head

    The Emek Hospital in Afula recently developed a first of its kind curve particularly adapted to the Israeli public. The…

    Watch: The Remarkable Jewish Impact on the World’s Values

    Where do the world's values come from? Ollie Anisfeld explores. Brought to you by J-TV. Must see

    Parenting: The Best Way to Raise Children

    Parents, you need to accept your children where they are

    ‘YOM YOM’ by Dovid Lowy – Official Music Video

    'Today is the day, to lift my hands up high and say Boruch Hashem yom yom yom'. Composed by Pinchas…

    Was a Snake with 7 Heads Discovered in Thailand, as described in Tractate Kiddushin?

    Did you also receive an image of a seven-headed snake on WhatsApp? Very impressive, though is it genuine or a…

    Fast of Gedaliah Times: September 12, 2018 | 3 Tishrei 5779

    Fast of Gedaliah Times for Major Cities Around the World: September 12, 2018 | 3 Tishrei 5779

    Watch: How Did the Dog Break Out of the Cage?

    Do you feel trapped & confined? With a little thought, creativity, prayer and strength, you can easily break out –…

    Watch: This is How a Whirlpool Turbine can Power Dozens of Homes 24/7

    The turbulent hydro turbine made in Belgium can supply energy 24/7 to dozens of homes. It is designed to supply…
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