Gallery: Cars Buried in Snow Become Works of Art

    People share fascinating pictures of their cars after a night of freezing snow. See wonderful gallery

    O SHABAT – Visitando o “Palácio do Rei” – 2

    O SHABAT - Parte 2: "Obra" e "Trabalho", “Melachá” e “Avodá” 

    Candle-Lighting Times: September 21, 2018 | Tishrei 12, 5779 – Parshat Haazinu

    Shabbat Times for Major Cities Around the World: September 21, 2018 | Tishrei 12, 5779 - Parshat Haazinu

    Was a Snake with 7 Heads Discovered in Thailand, as described in Tractate Kiddushin?

    Did you also receive an image of a seven-headed snake on WhatsApp? Very impressive, though is it genuine or a…

    Love is Based on Giving

    In order to build a sanctuary of peace and friendship, a dwelling place for the Divine presence, it is imperative…

    Prophecy Coming True? Foxes Seen Near the Western Wall – Watch

    Between dawn and sunrise a group of foxes has been spotted around the South Western corner of the Western Wall…

    What is the Biggest Mitzvah, What is the Biggest Sin?

    10 quotes to remember from the letter Rabbi Elijah of Vilna, the ‘Vilna Gaon’ sent his wife

    Happy 50th Anniversary of the 6 Day War Miracles

    Ezer Weitzman said:"It was the finger of G-d" and Lee, a Singapore army officer training in the IDF is astounded…

    More Halachic Questions in Wake of Israeli Fires

    Can a couple without a ketuba stay together?

    The First Immersion in the Mikvah — at Age 60

    Oranit not only immersed herself but was joined by her sister and sister-in-law. “We’re kibbutzniks, as anti-religious as you can…
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