Rivers Can’t Wash the Love Away

    We should aspire to have a passionate love for G-d, that’s what divine service is all about

    Just Enough or Too Much?

    Include others in the good you do if there's too much try to make it fit in!

    The Effect of Music on the Brain and Mind

    Music can bring a person to feel such exaltation and inner joy that he spontaneously breaks out in dance. Kabbalists…

    Charan – Externally Righteous

    Charan's death was unusual in that only his internal organs were destroyed, implying that his external body remained undamaged. What…

    Wonders of Creation: Awesome Cloud Formation Out at Sea

    Sailors record amazing phenomenon at sea: A long narrow cloud formation develops in the middle of the ocean

    Beware of Jellyfish on a Full Moon

    A Haifa University study shows that jellyfish tend to show up on Israel’s shores when the temperature is between 28.2-30…

    Dead or alive: The story of Sharon Nachshoni

    "I remember that I looked at myself and was embarrassed by what I was wearing. The clothes were spiritual, but…

    Are Inanimate Objects Alive?

    Matter is not what it appears to be. Modern science teaches us that the electrons which are constantly in motion…

    Judge People Favorably

    Rabbi Goldwasser shares a story that conveys the importance of judging others favorably

    Watch: Biggest Great White Shark Ever Seen

    Most amazing footage caught on camera: Experts believe this is the biggest great white shark ever observed. See more Wonders…
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