Shacharit: Morning Prayer – Ashkenaz – Part 3

    Click Here For Part 2 תחנון: נפילת אפיים: וַיּאמֶר דָּוִד אֶל גָּד, צַר לִי מְאד, נִפְּלָה נָּא בְיַד ה’, כִּי רַבִּים רַחֲמָיו,…

    Lech Lecha: Abraham’s Trials ‘All Rapped Up’

    Rabbi Kantor summarizes the beginning of parshat Lech Lecha in rap style

    A Record of 3,500 Worshipers Entered Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus – Watch

    Once a month, worshipers are allowed to enter Joseph's Tomb, inside Nablus (Shchem), with the protection of the IDF soldiers

    ’Shaarei Shomayim’ by Zanvil Weinberger & Malchus Choir – Music Video

    Best, annual meeting of the ou acheter viagra sans ordonnance forum traitement american urological association prostate. Thym découpage cialis des…

    Spiritual Wellness – Rule A: Understanding Suffering

    The main cause of all mental breakdowns is the feeling of powerlessness and inability to cope with prolonged suffering or…

    “We Love Children; the More, the Merrier!”

    Says Australian mother of 3 Chloe Dunstan who found out she was having triplets

    A Druze Woman Who Converted to Judaism: I am a Jew, I am the Daughter of a King

    S., a young Druze woman who officially joined the Jewish people, admits: "Judaism is the true religion. I converted, I…

    Samson the Mighty

    The Bible indicates that the number of Philistines that Samson killed at his death, was greater than the total number…

    Why do many Jewish Men use the Mikvah before Shabbat?

    Immersion in a mikvah brings about a level of spiritual purity
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