Avraham Fried & Yonatan Razel: ‘Katonti’

    Performed at a Tzomah concert. Masterpiece

    Crazy Roads from Around the World you won’t Believe Exist – Gallery

    Narrow, remote, steep, curvy and dangerous roads from around the globe. Gone viral

    The Roots of an Eternal Jewish Nation – Jacob Rupp

    "We are a product of our daily struggles". Brought to you by Drops of Light

    This is How they Train Kids in China: Excellence from a Young Age – Watch

    When was the last time you came across a boy skipping rope so fast? Only in China

    A Royal Crown – The Head Covering of a Man

    Why does a Jewish man cover his head? A person whose head is exposed stunts his spiritual growth, as the…

    Music Video – Cry No More by Yaakov Shwekey

    It's time for Jerusalem to 'cry no more'. May we merit eternal peace in Jerusalem speedily in our days

    Watch: Firefighters Training Like you’ve Never Seen Before

    See how the Chinese train their firefighters to be the fast, fit and unified

    The Depths of Modesty

    Modesty begins with looking past your more superficial layers and seeing who, on the deepest level, you are capable of…

    How can I Stop Being a Show Off?

    There’s hope if you thank G-d for what He gave you
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