Psychic’s Confession: “People Think I Read Cards, But I Made Up Everything”

    The clients thought they were connecting to a famous medium, but in reality were speaking with a 20-year old girl…

    See Dramatic Rescue – Sri Lankan Navy Saves Elephants Drowning at Sea

    Elephants swept out to sea by strong currents were rescued by the heroic Sri Lankan Navy. Gone Viral

    Kobi Peretz & Yaakov Shwekey: ‘Veafilu Behastara’

    G-d stands with us even during difficult times when things are hidden

    I Live in a Never Ending Weekend Retreat

    Since becoming religious, David Sidon and his family found happiness on a farm in the Upper Galilee

    The World Was Created for Me

    A person who is interested in developing his character must undertake the great spiritual task of recognizing his self-worth

    Prayer and Exercise- What do They Have in Common?

    Our formal prayer has a structure, what is it?

    The Big Elul Event: Five Towns / Far Rockaway

    Get inspired before Rosh Hashana

    Baby Teeth Related to Autism?

    Researchers at Mount Sinai Hospital find correlation between Autism and the amount of toxic substances absorbed in baby teeth

    Could I Get A Lamb That’s Kosher for a Passover Sacrifice?

    The "Institute For the laws of Sacrifices" found an interesting way to teach about the Passover sacrifice. May we merit…
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