CHAZAQ’s Historic Life Changing Campaign is LIVE!!

    Let’s get together and help CHAZAQ continue changing the lives of our community from A to Z

    The Ohr Hachaim – An Exclusive Pair of Tefillin

    What happened to the tefillin of Rabbi Chaim ibn Attar after he passed away?

    Survival Tips for a Heat Wave

    Fan or air-conditioner, how much water should I drink? Ministry of health instructions

    The Infinite Creator Concealed in the Composition of the Universe and Man

    Lofty Kabbalistic concepts are hidden in nature and in the unified field theory

    Why do More People Suffer from Fear in this Generation?

    Rabbi Zamir Cohen explains why and what to do about it

    Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire

    What is so spiritual about fire? What is the significance of pillars of smoke in Judaism? Learn about the spiritual…

    Jon Morrow’s Message: “If I Can Do It You Can Too!”

    Suffering from a chronic terminal illness, Jon Morrow became a millionaire by inspiring millions of people to give it their…

    You Don’t Buy Kids in the Bakery

    They’re not finished products ready to produce nachas, satisfaction you need patience and alot of self-control to help them grow…

    Watch Live Broadcast from the Hidabroot Annual Convention

    Live broadcast from the Crown Plaza Hotel in Stamford, Connecticut. Be inspired by Rabbi Zamir Cohen, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rabbi…

    The Cycle of Kibbud Av Va’eim

    Children emulate what they see in the home
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