Cleaning for Passover: Ingenious Trick Shines Metal Surfaces with Minimal Effort

    Whether you started cleaning for Passover or whether you're in the mood of cleaning up; this tip will help you…

    See what Happens when Boiling Water Meets the Freezing Air of Canada

    A Chabad emissary demonstrates the intensity of the freezing cold temperatures outside by throwing boiling water into the air. Minus…

    A Woman’s Honor: The Gates of Livelihood – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Married men who are looking for a way out of their financial problems don’t realize that the problems stem from…

    Don’t Miss the Hidabroot Tu BeShvat Women’s Event

     Some personal growth just on time for Tu BeShvat!

    Why Can’t We Make Peace with the Palestinians?

    Where did they come from and why aren’t they partners for peace?

    Media Gossip

    May one sell newspapers that contain gossip? Is it permissible to talk gossip in a joking manner?

    Key-Shaped Challah – See Gallery

    See a stunning gallery of challot baked in the shape of a key in honor of the Shabbat after Passover.…

    Shifra – Yocheved

    According to tradition, Yocheved is buried in the 'Tomb of the Mothers' in Tiberias, along with Zipporah, Moses' wife; Elisheva…

    WATCH: ’ON THE TABLE’ with R’ Peretz  B. Eichler

    A winning combination of good food and important issues put on the table and addressed by experts who can help
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