Vitamin D Helps Heal Burns

    It also prevents the forming of scar tissue

    Are French Fries a Life Endangering Food?

    Modern research says to watch out for it

    “I Keep Shabbat But I Use My Cell Phone and Computer”

    Once, the Jewish world was clearly divided into those who keep Shabbat and those who didn’t. Today, for some reason,…

    Recette Pour Pourim : Oreilles d’Haman particulièrement riches.

    Appréciez cette recette qui apparait standard mais au gout riche et délicieux.  


    Chareidi women are becoming involved in peacemaking

    We Saw the Unity of Israel From Within the Flames

    Eli Assoulin plunged into the fires and came out safely and tells us of his miracles

    Archaeology Discovers The Upheaval of Sodom and Gomorrah

    Today, anyone who passes by the Dead Sea can see clearly how the place was turned upside down. The mountains…

    Media Gossip

    May one sell newspapers that contain gossip? Is it permissible to talk gossip in a joking manner?

    Watch: Melody of Reb Michoel Zlotchover

    Enjoy a legendary niggun

    Was a Snake with 7 Heads Discovered in Thailand, as described in Tractate Kiddushin?

    Did you also receive an image of a seven-headed snake on WhatsApp? Very impressive, though is it genuine or a…
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