Watch: Wonders of Creation – Deep Sea Anglerfish

    Amazing footage of an anglerfish swimming in the depths of the ocean. See how the fish uses its natural aluminous…

    Between Minchah and Maariv

    The insights and perspectives of husband-and-wife team Ruchama and Yisrael Feuerman

    Hagar – Responding to Difficulty

    Why did Sara afflict Hagar? What do we learn from the way Hagar responded to Sara's affliction?

    Guarding the Eyes, Guarding the Mind

    A person who escapes temptation by avoiding immodest images and heretical thoughts and ideas is a calm individual, content and…

    Women to know : The spirituality she’d sought in the ashram she found in Judaism

    Husband first, kids second, seminary third... It has to be that way

    The Pleiades Star Cluster

    The human eye can make out six stars in the Pleiades star cluster, though the Talmud says that it contains…

    Gallery: Heart-Warming Pictures of Animals in the Snow

    Magical photos that will make you smile

    Mordechai Ben David: Kumzits in the Old city of Jerusalem

    Magical moments with the legendary king of Jewish music, Mordechai Ben David. Enjoy

    Nissim Black: King of The World – Official Lyric Video

    Composed and written by Nissim Black

    The Easy Way to Remove a Splinter

    A resourceful mother relieves her daughter’s pain with a brilliant idea
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