Pokemon Will Lead you to the Beit Midrash
A short video encouraging the study of Torah precisely through ... "Pokemon Go". Watch video gone viral
Can Quantum Physics Prove G-d?
Quantum physics teaches us we don't really know what we thought we knew
Watch: Judean Desert from a Bird’s Eye View after the Winter Rains
After the winter rains the Judean desert isn’t so barren and desolate anymore. “There is no artist like our G-d”…
Closing a Circle; Doctor Treats Man Who Saved Him from Abortion
Dr. Carasso from the Rambam Hospital is grateful to his patient to whom he owes his existence
If I Were a Rich Man
Can I ever be rich?
Happy 50th Anniversary of the 6 Day War Miracles
Ezer Weitzman said:"It was the finger of G-d" and Lee, a Singapore army officer training in the IDF is astounded…
The Water Above the Heavens
Today, we know that all the water on Earth is just a single drop in the ocean, when compared with…
Watch: Boro Park Reacts to Magic
Shlomo Levinger hits the streets of Boro Park with his original and entertaining magic tricks. See how people react
The Parrot that says ‘Shema Yisrael’ Stuns Social Media – Watch
This parrot has mastered 'Modeh Ani' and 'Shema Yisrael'. Gone viral
Watch: Father who Managed to Cure His Three Year-old Son from Cancer
"I was stunned when doctors said the word 'cancer' in the same breath with the name of my son. The…