Touch – The Superglue of Human Relations

    Touch could be called the Superglue of human relations. Take two clean surfaces, and Superglue will immediately stick them together.…

    Dead or alive: The story of Sharon Nachshoni

    "I remember that I looked at myself and was embarrassed by what I was wearing. The clothes were spiritual, but…

    The Eternal Spark in Every Jew

    Get yours to burn bright this Hanukkah

    Nissan: The Month of Redemption

    When it can't get any worse, that's when the redemption comes

    Shabbat Project: Challah Bake Tehillim Video – Watch

    An estimated 1,000,000 Jews will connect through the magic of Shabbat this coming week. Don’t miss out on this wonderful…

    Mysterious Creature in the Depths of the Ocean Stuns Researchers – Watch

    Scientists discover a mysterious fish deep at sea. What's so unique about this fish? Watch, and discover more Wonders of…

    May A Husband Eat From His Wife’s Leftovers?

    If a woman is Niddah may her husband eat her leftovers?

    The Way to Perfection

    Man extols and dreams of perfection. Yet man must also know his limits ; while striving for perfection, he must…

    Teachings of Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk

    Also known as “the Holy Rebbe Reb Meilech” and “the Rebbe of all Rebbes” and the author of “Noam Elimelech.”

    Watch: Snake Disappears In Sand Camouflage

    Be amazed by more Wonders of Creation
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