Watch: Tiger Jumps High in the Air to Catch Meat

    See slow-motion footage of a tiger leaping high into the air to catch his lunch. Incredible

    Watch: Turtle’s Stunning Glow, Discovered in the Depths of the Pacific

    A delegation of two investigators sent to the Pacific in order to trace the phenomenon of bio-fluorescence (biological glow) in…

    Parenting: The Best Way to Raise Children

    Parents, you need to accept your children where they are

    See Holocaust Photo Album By Henryk Ross

    See the pictures taken under great danger recording life in Lodz Ghetto.

    Mengele, I defeated you

    Chaya Wach managed to survive Auschwitz and the loss of her husband and build a new family. Her grandchildren are…

    The Standard American Diet is S.A.D for More than One Reason

    What will become of a generation that battles rampant health issues from a young age? The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee…

    Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser: Teshuva- The Power to Change

    Come to the Hidabroot Weekend Convention and go home ready to make the changes you always wanted to

    Watch: Nothing Beats a Mother’s Love

    There is also a motherly feeling for leopards, as reflected in a particularly moving clip: A mother leopard picks up…

    Time Out – Contemplate the Wonders of Creation

    Take a break from your busy schedule to contemplate and appreciate G-d's Wonders of Creation

    Maimonides – The Rambam: 10 Facts in Honor of His Yohrtzeit

    Is this what he really looked like? Which books didn’t he complete?  Today the 20th of Tevet is his Yohrtzeit.…
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