7 Facts About Rabbi Yaakov Ben Asher on The Anniversary of His Passing

    He wrote his commentary on the Torah in one night: Today, the 12th of Tammuz is the anniversary of the…

    I Didn’t Think I’d Get Out Alive

    Avital lived in an Arab village married to an Arab and thankfully was rescued. Here's her story.

    Baruch & Chesky Leibowitz – Elokai

    Chesky and Baruch Leibowitz have teamed up with Ari Goldwag to produce a beautiful and moving song - Elokai. The…

    Watch: Awesome Sukkot Song – Shakin’ the Lulav

    Starring David Bar-Cohn, Moshe Hamburg, Stuart Schnee and Dr. Efraim Rosenbaum. Based on the song "Twist & Shout". Lyrics/Director/Editor -…

    Israeli Invention Stops Brain Tumors From Growing

    This helmet creates an electric field around the tumor preventing it from growing; will it work for other cancers too?

    Becoming a Sensitive Husband

    The husband’s obligation to be close to his wife and to be a source of emotional support for her is…

    The importance of exercise in Judaism – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Maimonides considers physical exercise to be one of the most important conditions for maintaining a healthy body

    Watch: Father who Managed to Cure His Three Year-old Son from Cancer

    "I was stunned when doctors said the word 'cancer' in the same breath with the name of my son. The…

    Trust in G-d – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    What is trust? Peace of mind of the one who trusts. That one relies in his heart that the One…
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