What the Ethiopians Suffered to Get to Israel

    Over 4,000 died on their journey to Israel and never realized their dream

    How to Get Out of Financial Strain

    The Rabbi’s advice was not conventional but it worked and will work for us too

    Chief Rabbi to IDF Chief of Staff: “Bring Torah Classes Back to Army Training Bases”

    “Our strength is measured by our values and faith not only by our physical ability”

    A Spiritual Remedy Guaranteed to Work on The Fast of Esther

    A Segulah (spiritual remedy) that should be performed at the crack of dawn of the Fast of Esther

    Building a Positivity Portfolio

    Create a portfolio of good feelings you experienced or things you liked

    Shulem: Piano Man – Must Watch

    Shulem performs a beautiful rendition of Piano Man, live on tour at the Manhattan JCC. Accompanied by leading Broadway musical…

    Failure to act

    Healing emotional neglect

    10 Facts About the City of Hebron

    During the Biblical era, Hebron was one of the largest cities in Israel, and the capital of the kingdom of…

    Shneur Cohen Has “The Gift”

    Shneur Cohen, a young Chasidic Jew, is the unlikely author of an unlikely book, "The Gift" which spent twenty weeks…

    Watch: Boro Park Reacts to Magic

    Shlomo Levinger hits the streets of Boro Park with his original and entertaining magic tricks. See how people react
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