10 Facts About the ‘Blessing of the New Moon’
The announcement of the date of the month along with its accompanying prayers is referred to collectively as, Birkat Hachodesh
Modesty and My Near Death Experience – Rivka Malka Perlman
Everything we do, we can do it with joy. Hashem Loves You!
Judaism and Science – Conflict or Harmony?
The Torah is not a book of nature. But it is a book of what happens behind nature. Behind the…
What Does ‘Shema Yisrael’ Mean? Why is it so Central in Judaism?
7 facts about Shema Yisrael a basic concept of Judaism
Watch: King of Morocco Receives Blessings in Local Synagogue
The Moroccan king himself inaugurated the ancient synagogue which was reopened courtesy of the King. The rare event received live…
Watch: Remarkable Natural Phenomenon Observed in the Gulf of Alaska
Wonders of Creation: When two seas meet, but do not mix. See fascinating documentation
MUST-WATCH: Water in Space with Rabbi Zamir Cohen
In this fascinating clip, Rabbi Zamir Cohen shows us once again how our sages knew about scientific phenomena that have…
Images that will Make you Appreciate the Splendor of G-d’s Creation
Take time to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of creation. Must see
Unsteady – Pinny Schachter and Naftali Blumenthal
“Hold on to me because I’m a little Unsteady”. Brought to you by Shabbat.com
Eliezer – Escaping the Curse of Cham
Eliezer was destined to serve the nations of Shem and Yefes. How did Eliezer free himself from this curse?