The Parrot that says ‘Shema Yisrael’ Stuns Social Media – Watch

    This parrot has mastered 'Modeh Ani' and 'Shema Yisrael'. Gone viral

    Watch: Japan’s Bullet Train – Max Speed 603 KPH

    The fastest train in the world – It passes by in the blink of an eye. Gone Viral

    On Good Authority

    The butcher

    Why do many Jewish Men use the Mikvah before Shabbat?

    Immersion in a mikvah brings about a level of spiritual purity

    Nutrition: An Egg a Day?

    You heard of an apple a day keeping the doctor away but an egg a day?

    World War III, Redemption, The Messiah and Prayer

    Is a third world war inevitable? It depends on us

    Laws of Shabbat – Part 1: Preparing For Shabbat

    Proper preparation for Shabbat requires knowledge of many basic Halakhot. Rabbi Yoel Domb provides a basic overview of these halakhot

    Women’s Rights: What Decisions Does a Woman in Saudi Arabia Make? None Whatsoever

    Here’s Amal’s story, besides suffering there’s not very much to it

    Halachot de Shabat

    Uma casa, ou qualquer lugar, no qual está instalada uma câmera de circuito fechado, será que é permitido entrara neste…

    I’m Good With G-d without His Commandments !

    Speaking to G-d is a wonderful thing but make sure to take out your earplugs so you can hear what…
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