Rabbi Meyer Yedid – Raising Children Who Have Self Esteem
This is the challenge of our generation
Anti-Semitism: German Streets are Dangerous for Jews
Anti-Semitism is on the rise in Germany
What Did Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach Say at His Wife’s Funeral?
Rabbi Auerbach reveales an amazing secret about a person’s psyche: If one wants something to really penetrate and reach another…
Watch: Carpet of Clouds Covers Vietnamese Mountain
Tourists captured a spectacular moment when clouds covered the top of Mau Son Mountain in Vietnam. Wonders of Creation
WATCH: ’ON THE TABLE’ with R’ Peretz B. Eichler
A winning combination of good food and important issues put on the table and addressed by experts who can help
Everything is Orchestrated from Above – Rebbetzin Feige Twerski
“It’s the little things in life that are the big things”
Watch: Sirens Imitation – You’ve Never Heard Anything Like it
Must See: This kid is super-talented when it comes to imitating sirens. Gone viral
Life Insurance and Loshon Hora
Staying away from lashon hara is the greatest life insurance policy and it costs no money
Watch Official Music Video – ‘Father Don’t Cry’ by Avraham Fried
This tremendously emotional song based on a statement of our Sages: "When G-d remembers His children who suffer in exile,…
Speaking Gossip to Close Relatives
Is it permissible to speak negatively about others to one's spouse, in order to get the issue off one's chest?