YAHRTZEIT (15 Cheshvan): 10 Quotes from the Chazon Ish

    What is the purpose of a Jew who keeps the mitzvos? What is the most basic thing necessary to perfect…

    Watch: How a Cat Managed to Jump into the Dog Cage

    The cat in the video did not want to be alone in a cage in the pet store, so he…

    Dramatic Footage: Missile Explodes Near a Bus Packed with Soldiers

    A vehicle sustained a direct hit from a rocket near Yad Mordechai, killing the driver. The rocket miraculously landed meters…

    Gallery: Camouflaged Animals

    Try finding the animals hidden in this collection of pictures. The Creator of the Universe provides animals with the necessary…

    Watch New Watercolor Technique in High Speed

    If you like watercolors, you'll love this!

    The Influence of Man’s Actions in the World

    Man's actions in the physical world set the mechanisms of the upper worlds in motion, generating blessing, success and the…

    The Holy Hunchback: Aaron Razel – Based on a True Story

    What's the greatest thing you can do in the world? Preformed and Composed by: Aaron Razel. Based on a true…

    Gallery: Beneath the Surface of the Sea

    Photographers from around the world participated in a creative project, capturing "half half" photographs - that is, half above the…

    Ultra-Orthodox Jews (Chareidim), Fanatic Religious Jews and Neturei Karta

    Are Chareidim (Ultra-Orthodox Jews) who throw stones on cars on Shabbat authentic chareidim? Is it good to be an extremist?…

    Go Straight to G-d with Your Problems

    He’s the only one that can really help
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