Halachot de Shabat

    Uma casa, ou qualquer lugar, no qual está instalada uma câmera de circuito fechado, será que é permitido entrara neste…

    Watch: Remarkable Natural Phenomenon Observed in the Gulf of Alaska

    Wonders of Creation: When two seas meet, but do not mix. See fascinating documentation

    Why Can’t I Ever Get Anything Done?

    I always push things off... Why? Do you really want to know? I'll tell you tomorrow!

    How do You Raise Your Children with Happiness?

    Build them up with kind words and do the same with your spouse

    “I turned to the ’Sheva Brachot’ Site when I despaired and Met My Husband”

    Hidabroot’s “Sheva Brachot” dating site makes another match

    Watch: Octopus Escapes back into the Sea

    This octopus boarded a fishing boat looking for food. What did he do when he found a small, narrow opening…

    Why Shouldn’t I Bear a Grudge?

    Because we're commanded to rise above ourselves

    Should I Light My Shabbat Candles with Olive Oil?

    What type of candles or oil should one use for lighting Shabbat candles? If i light with candles, should i…

    Watch: Jewish American Soldiers in Iraq Celebrate the Shabbat Project

    This is the sixth year that thousands of Jews around the world have joined together to observe the worldwide Shabbat…

    Women to know: Sudy Rosengarten – writing was something she couldn’t have escaped if she tried

    Look at what seems ordinary, and realize that there’s more than what meets the eye
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