10 Facts Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want Jews to Know

    What is this cult and are they any different from ordinary Christians?

    Wonders of Creation – Birds Hatching in a Nest

    Your browser doesn’t support video. Please download the file: video/mp4 Pilules bleues pour raviver la libido etc je viendrai te…

    The Status of a Woman in Judaism – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Even from the time that they are born, a male and a female differ from each other.

    Grace After Meals – Birkat Hamazon

    Thank G-d for your food. It will bring blessing into your home

    Watch – Selichot Prayers at the Western Wall

    See footage of selichot prayers at the Western Wall this week. Uplifting

    Soothing Jewish Music

    Relaxing and calming traditional Jewish melodies. By the Shevet Achim Ensemble

    Watch: Incredible Discovery about Drops of Water

    A fascinating study conducted in Stuttgart Germany, reveals that every drop of water has its own unique 'face'. This study…

    Western Wall – Kotel WebCam

    View the holiest site on earth through which all prayers go to heaven

    10 Facts about Rabbi Chaim Vital in Honor of His Yohrzeit

    Today, the 30th of Nisan is Rabbi Chaim Vital’s Yohrzeit, the preeminent student of The Ari and his Kabbalistic teachings

    Former Miss Israel Got Engaged at Western Wall

    She says yes to mitzvot and she said yes to her fiancé
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