Hashem Doesn’t Owe You Children

    But if you go above and beyond your obligations, G-d will go above and beyond His

    The Status of a Woman According to Kabbalah

    According to Kabbalah, the woman corresponds to the tenth Sphere – the Sphere of Malchut (royalty). She receives from the…

    Eli Beer: Ve’yiyu Rachamecho – Music Video

    Eli joins with the world renowned Freilach Band and the extremely talented Zemiros Choir for Ve'yiyu Rachamecho. The lyrics are…

    Who is The Messiah? Must See

    What will happen when the Messiah arrives? Will the Messiah be some sort of savior or liberator? Rabbi Manis Friedman…

    The Temple Institute Confirms the Red Heifer Born Last Month is Pure

    At the end of the last month, a Red Heifer was born in Israel. Why is it such wonderful news?…

    Did You Know: Shabbat Nachamu

    Did you know why the Shabbat after Tisha B'av has a special name?

    The Big Chazaq Event – A Night of Unity and Inspiration

    Don’t miss out on the annual Chazaq event on Sunday night the 15th of July 2018. Featuring Rabbi YY Jacobson,…

    Women to know: Dr. Olitsa Roth one of Boro Park’s most well-known pediatricians

    As long as Hashem gives me brains and motion...I will be here

    Elul -Women Starting Anew

    How should women prepare for Rosh Hashana?

    Gallery: Incredible Close-Up Images of Insects

    Wonders of Creation - Have you ever seen insects in such astounding detail before? It’s hard to believe this is…
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