The Real Summit – The Quest for Purpose & Meaning in Life

    The drive to experience a real sense of being – of feeling alive, is one of the strongest that comprises…

    Watch: Carpet of Clouds Covers Vietnamese Mountain

    Tourists captured a spectacular moment when clouds covered the top of Mau Son Mountain in Vietnam. Wonders of Creation

    Lot – Contradictions in Serving Hashem

    What happens when a person faces this dichotomy, knowing he must observe the Torah – because it is true –…

    Gallery: Rare Images Caught on Camera

    A breathtaking gallery of awesome moments in the field of extreme sports. Enjoy

    Mirrors, Marvels, Mysteries and Medrash

    Mirrors reflect light in a spectacular manner. The image viewed in a mirror seems to be an astonishingly accurate representation…

    Dressing like a Queen

    If you treat yourself like a queen, others will too!

    Pinchas – Women of Virtue – Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi

    In this week’s parshah we find wonderful role models of women who embodied the concept of emunah

    New Labor Head Avi Gabai is Anti-Religious Activist

    His outspoken opinions about religion are very disappointing to the religious establishment

    “Every Day I Cried to G-d: Get Me Away from My Violent Husband”

    “I thought this Arab was the most wonderful person in the world, but after I moved to his village, life…

    Can One Make a Bookmark by Folding a Page on Shabbat?

    Q. A person was reading a book and wishes to place a bookmark either by scratching with his fingernail or…
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