The Influence of The Spiritual Force

    Positive speech, prayer, words of Torah and blessings have a positive impact on the world. Current research supports this and…

    Guarding the Eyes, Guarding the Mind

    A person who escapes temptation by avoiding immodest images and heretical thoughts and ideas is a calm individual, content and…

    Watch: A Visitor in the Hadar Neighborhood of Haifa

    Who came to visit in Haifa today? Watch the footage and find out

    Capitalizing on Loss

    The truth will eventually come out.

    Ultra-Orthodox Jews (Chareidim), Fanatic Religious Jews and Neturei Karta

    Are Chareidim (Ultra-Orthodox Jews) who throw stones on cars on Shabbat authentic chareidim? Is it good to be an extremist?…

    British Medical Research: There is Life After Death

    An examination of more than 2,000 patients who underwent cardiac arrest shows that the consciousness retains its awareness, even during…

    Such a Small Innocent Headline Could Be So Dangerous

    The Pandora’s Box that a 16 year old boy opened on an unfiltered cell phone can ensnare anyone

    Drugs and Other Quick Fixes

    Drugs can provide instant pleasure. And drugs will dissolve your sense of self until you have no personality left. The…

    Knowledge of bee honey contents in the torah

    Just as the camel eats grass and turns it into milk after it was processed in the camel’s body, and…

    Women to know: Joy Schonberg blazed a trail in the art world for Jewish antiquities

    I was always religious, but I wanted to see with my own eyes the biblical things I had learned
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