Rabbanit Mizrahi – Projet de sauvetage pour les jeunes.

    Aidons la Rabbanit Mizra’hi à sauver les jeunes gens. Le projet tire à sa fin, faites vite !

    Watch: What Happened when a Deer was Hit by a Bus?

    A deer tried to cross the road at the wrong time, it met the bus's windshield and somehow managed to…

    Watch Rare Footage from NASA: Snowy Deserts

    Snow in the desert? That's right. It's rare, though not impossible. Watch a fascinating documentation from NASA, showing different deserts…

    Superwoman and the Eshet Chayil

    I was just doing everything that I needed to do for my family. What could possibly be wrong with that?

    Yoni Z’s New Release: POWER – Official Lyric Video

    "We can be the power, the driving force of life" - Enoy

    Life After Life – 1: The Phenomena of Near Death Experiences (NDE)

    "Above me was a light that was clearer than anything I had ever seen. Afterwards a form appeared before me…

    Quadruple Amputee Reaches the Top of the Matterhorn

    Mountaineer Jamie Andrew lost his hands and feet to frostbite after becoming trapped in a snowstorm in France 17 years…

    An Unexpected Visit from the Police

    If I was so afraid of the police, how will I feel before G-d?

    Magnificent Moonlight Images – Wonders of Creation

    When the moon blends with nature, you get a perfect display of beauty. Must see

    New Study Confirms: Other Senses of People Born Blind Are More Developed

    The brain compensates for loss of vision and develops these alternate tracks for more effective living
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