Saved from Intermarriage: But “I Still Have Thoughts About This Non-Jewish Woman…”

    The danger in intermarriage — to the Jewish people and to every individual Jew

    Spectacular Images – You Won’t Believe they not Photoshop

    Gallery that received a number of international prizes. See remarkable work of talented photographers, who were in the right place…

    “I Gave Up Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars to Learn Torah”

    What made a successful businessman abandon the race for money and turn into a yeshiva student? Yair Pardun was on…

    Daily Gratitude: Stunning GIF Images of Birds

    Take a moment and enjoy a glimpse of the Wonders of Creation. “There is no artist like our G-d” (Rashi:…

    The Most Expensive Kippah in the World

    It has thousands of crystals and a 2 carat diamond in it

    Kosher Lessons in Kindness

    What's wrong with the stork the 'chasidah' who is always helping her friends. Why isn't this bird kosher?

    Maestro Aharon Zeev Bernstein presents: a clip on the art of sand painting

    The artist Aharon Zeev Bernstein specializes in the art of sand painting, and creates real-looking illustrations and displays for the…

    Es Achai – Mordechai Ben David, Shira Choir & The Sababa Band

    Lyrics: “And he said, I am looking for my brothers. Tell me now, where are they pasturing?" (Genesis – 37,16)…

    Out of the mouths of babes

    Sometimes it takes a child to see the truth

    A Young Woman’s Post about Anxiety Gets over 420,000 Shares!

    Her description of anxiety gave words to thousands suffering from it who couldn’t express it
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