Candle-Lighting Times: August 17, 2018 – Parshat Shoftim

    Shabbat Times for Major Cities Around the World: August 17, 2018 - Parshat Shoftim

    The 7th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    Do you know who wrote the New Testament? Four unknown authors!

    New Research Says: “Talk to Your Fetus”

    It will help him develop his language skills early on in life

    “Hey Soldier! Why the Uniform? Couldn’t You Wear Shabbat Clothing?”

    “Not if my mom will wash my uniform on Shabbat!”

    A 17 Year Old Girl Fought Off Attacking Shark

    The girl, swimming on a Florida beach, thought it was a dolphin-but then it bit her leg

    The Tremendous Power Within Us

    How can you fulfill your true potential?

    How Do I Know if I’m Addicted to the Internet?

    There are symptoms to look out for

    The Strength of a Jewish Child

    The heights a Jewish child can climb!

    Why Doesn’t the Torah Command Me to be a Vegetarian?

    Isn’t it cruel to eat animals? Or is it? Can kindness to animals make me cruel to people?
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